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Arrests Deaths And An Ablaze Hospital

Iran Escalates Crackdown, Increases Pressure on Dissidents

Arrests, Deaths, and an Ablaze Hospital

In the wake of the attack on Israel, Iran has intensified its crackdown on internal dissent, leading to multiple fatalities and hundreds of arrests. Regime critic and prominent journalist Rozita Farshbaf voiced her alarm over the escalating conflict in the country.

"The regime is responding to the attack with excessive force," Farshbaf said in an interview with the BBC. "They are trying to silence any voice of opposition, and they are creating a dangerous and volatile situation."

Helicopter Crash Investigation

Meanwhile, rescue crews have located the presumed crash site of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter, which was reported missing shortly after the attack on Israel. Initial reports indicate that there were no survivors.

Hospital Fire in Tehran

Adding to the chaos, a massive fire broke out at the Gandhi hospital in Tehran, engulfing up to 17 floors. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the blaze, but concerns about a possible act of sabotage have been raised.

The recent events have sent shockwaves throughout Iran and the international community, raising fears of a wider conflict in the Middle East. The escalation of tensions and the crackdown on dissent are major concerns for both human rights activists and geopolitical analysts.
